Sunday, February 7, 2010

Overthinking? Who, me?

If there's one thing yoga has taught me, it's the value of not thinking at all. I definitely put that to the test during my 5-day hiatus from decision making. I have returned from my vision quest of sorts, and somehow made decisions without really thinking about it.

So I did end up seeking a second opinion on my surgery. Right before I went in to the appointment, though, my first surgeon called me. She told me that she thought I would be a good candidate for a lumpectomy, and that because my test results indicate this is a relatively non-aggressive tumor I was only looking at a recurrence rate of 5% vs 1-2% for a mastectomy. The second surgeon told me about the same thing. The risk is that when they go in to take the lump out, there's always a chance they could find more (apparently mammograms and MRIs are only so sensitive). Of course, there's always the good chance that the one tiny lump could be it.

The question became: am I feeling lucky? Answer: I'm all in.

On Friday I called my surgeon and changed the crazy scary surgery on the 18th to just a lumpectomy. What does all this mean? Less surgery, faster recovery! It's a trade off, though... if they find more it would mean a bilateral mastectomy for sure. Regardless, I'm taking my chances that this lump will be it. Even if it isn't, at least I will be sure that mastectomy is the right thing to do should that time come.

I have acquired more specialists in the last 2 weeks than I have in my whole life. This coming week I visit with a medical oncologist, who will work with me on my treatment post-surgery and advise me on my ability to be pregnant one day. I also see a radiation oncologist, who will determine if I am a candidate for the radiation that has to accompany the lumpectomy. I also get a PET scan, a much more sensitive test that might show any spreading that the MRI and mammograms did not detect. If all goes well, I am a go for lumpectomy on the 18th.

Thanks to everyone for the prayers, support, love, and encouragement. I'm pretty confident that all this mojo is going to produce nothing but positive results!

Now, for my moment of zen:
"Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured." ~B.K.S. Iyengar


  1. That is great news. At the very very least, you'll have peace of mind knowing that you tried other options first.

  2. Hey Sis,

    I can seem to figure out this blog think to work from my work, so this is from ME. :)

    I am glad you have decided to take the baby step first. Perhaps this is take care of everything and you will be on your way to recovery.

    Know you are loved.

  3. "Overthinking? Who, me?" Yeah, you. ;-)

    Love, Lee and the Alpha Cat ;-) (1st day)
